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The Tricky Sixty Band

by Robert Moore

RonFlanary-050615j(Norton)It started out on the skinny side of the Tricky Fifty. Appalachia really wanted a strong high school band in the 1950’s, but past attempts to form one had been difficult. There were problems with parents being able to afford instruments for their children, and also it had been difficult to find a band director who was willing to take on the task. But when Mr. J.D. Flanary arrived on the scene, all that was about to change. Continue reading The Tricky Sixty Band

Fight Song & Alma Mater

by Ron Flanary

RonFlanary-050715fOver the years, several old Appalachia High School alums have asked me about the history of the AHS “Fight Song,” and the “Alma Mater.” I was just four years old when my mother and father wrote the former tune, but I knew all the details from subsequent conversations with them as I got older. I was a member of the band when the Alma Mater was first played, so I recall those details well. Continue reading Fight Song & Alma Mater

J.D. Flanary: A Remembrance

by Gene Maddox

Joe Flanary and Gene MaddoxMy third-grade buddy and I walked gingerly toward Appalachia, Virginia’s new band director. The 1953 Spring Concert was commencing in minutes. First up would be a brief concert by our Junior Band.

I tugged on the director’s pants leg. “Mr. Flanary,” I said, “me and Cliff want to play a duet at the concert.” At that point in our training, Cliff and I were only shakily aware as to which ends of my trumpet and his clarinet were supposed to produce the sound.
Continue reading J.D. Flanary: A Remembrance

Reunion: August 1, 2015

RonFlanaryFormer members of the Appalachia High School Tricky Sixty Band reunited on August 1, 2015, at the Appalachia High School Auditorium.

Organizers of the reunion were Sandra Clark Coleman, Bill Harris, and Ron Flanary. Gene Maddox constructed the Tricky Sixty web site. Ron assembled an all-star ensemble of area musicians to plan the AHS Fight Song  and the AHS Alma Mater.

Click here to view a video of the Fight Song.

Click here to view a video of the Alma Mater.

Click here to view a second playing of the Fight Song.

The following are albums of some of the photos taken at the reunion. For each album, click on an image to see a larger version. Then, use the left and right arrow keys, or the mouse, to move from one image to the other.

Photos by Jean Honaker Darnell:

  • 101

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  • 121

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Photos by Pat Kennedy:

  • Kennedy1

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Photos by Robert Moore:

  • Moore1

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Photos by Susie Maddox Noel (who also videoed the music):

  • SMN-ahs band on stage
    SMN-ahs majorette uniform
    SMN-ahs majorettes

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Ron’s Memories (2)

Submitted by Ron Flanary

  • RonFlanary-050715a

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(Click on a photo to see a larger version. Then, use the left and right arrow keys, or the mouse, to move from one photo to the other.)

Ron’s Memories (3)

Submitted by Ron Flanary

  • RonFlanary-050815a

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(Click on a photo to see a larger version. Then, use the left and right arrow keys, or the mouse, to move from one photo to the other.)

Sandra’s Memories

Submitted by Sandra Coleman

  • Band-1964-65

(Click on a photo to see a larger version. Then, use the left and right arrow keys, or the mouse, to move from one photo to the other.)

Bill’s Memories

Submitted by Bill Harris

  • 12-3-2013 10;27;48 AM
    12-3-2013 10;27;55 AM
    12-3-2013 10;27;57 AM

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(Click on a photo to see a larger version. Then, use the left and right arrow keys, or the mouse, to move from one photo to the other.)

Susie’s Memories (2)

Submitted by Susie Maddox Noel


  • AHS Band tobacco more
    AHS Band pastels program
    AHS Band pastels program 2

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(Click on a photo to see a larger version. Then, use the left and right arrow keys, or the mouse, to move from one photo to the other.)

Gene’s Memories

Submitted by Gene Maddox

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(Click on a photo to see a larger version. Then, use the left and right arrow keys, or the mouse, to move from one photo to the other.)

Labor Day 1956 (Video)

Submitted by Gene Maddox

Marching by Buck & Gene'sHere are several home movie clips showing Appalachia’s Labor Day celebration in 1956. The Tricky Sixty band marched through town, as did the Big Stone Gap band. Both bands then each performed before a large crowd at the old football stadium.

As with most home movies from that era, there isn’t any sound. They’re in color, but the quality doesn’t approach what we’re accustomed to today. The home movies were filmed by Gene Maddox, Sr.

Parade Down Main Street

The Tricky Sixty, with Mr. Flanary, is marching toward the football stadium here, in front of Buck and Gene’s. Click here to view.

Big Stone Gap Band

The Big Stone Gap band is shown marching in the parade. There’s a great shot of Mrs. McChesney marching behind. Click here to view.

Labor Day Performance

The Tricky Sixty begins its routine on the field. Click here to view.

Charleston + Tricky Sixty

Who but Joe Flanary could have thought up a routine in which the band played behind three young ladies who were dancing the Charleston? Click here to view.

Appalachia Folks

Here are four brief clips of Appalachia residents, relaxing at the football stadium during the festivities:

Click here to view clip #1.

Click here to view clip #2.

Click here to view clip #3.

Click here to view clip #4.

J.D. Flanary

Here are a few seconds of Mr. Flanary, as he was leaving the  stadium. Click here to view.

Centennial 1956 (Video)

Submitted by Gene Maddox

Centennial Parade1956 was Wise County’s centennial year, and Appalachia put on a rather elaborate parade. The band’s uniforms that day were just a bit on the unorthodox side.

The parade was filmed by Gene Maddox, Sr.  Click here to view.

Spring 1962

by Gene Maddox

SpringConcert2The Tricky Sixty band held its 1962 Annual Spring Concert on April 20 of that year. The program for the concert provided a perspective of the band at that point in its history:

“Why is the A.H.S. Band known as the Tricky Sixty?

“For a number of years the actual membership of the band was approximately sixty – thus explaining the first portion of the question. The expression ‘Tricky’ was applied because of the Continue reading Spring 1962

Dance Band Fever

by Robert Moore

J.D. Flanary, our band director, had a passion for dance band music and he was eager to teach it to his students. And we were just as eager to learn how to master a different kind of music, which included many old classic songs and jazz improvisations. We gladly practiced after school hours, using special arrangements from big bands and some written by Flanary himself.

Continue reading Dance Band Fever

The Majorettes and Me

by Robert Moore

This is a true story. Only the facts have been changed to amuse the reader. Any attempts to verify the story will be futile.

The Appalachia High School Tricky Sixty marching band majorettes were always a beautiful and talented group of young ladies. They marched ahead of the main band, just behind the drum major Continue reading The Majorettes and Me